Water Management Services

Engineering  |  Planning  |  Operations  |  Rate Studies

Water Management Services … Our Company Workflow

Water Management Services Background …

     Water Management Services, a limited liability company, established in 1984. Water Management Services, LLC provides specialized service for clients whose projects require a high level of experience and education in water, wastewater, storm drainage, and related fields. Services include planning, engineering, and operational assistance. Water Management Services is an independent organization of professional engineers and technicians having no affiliation with contractors, manufacturers, developers or others who might influence an engineering decision. The managers are Roger Boyers, P.E., Steve Jones, P.E., and Karen Harrison, P.E. with over 80 years of experience in “sanitary engineering”. The firm’s main office is located at 2 International Plaza, Suite 401 in Nashville, Tennessee. Our clients are located in Kentucky and Tennessee and are primarily municipalities and public utilities.

     While the managers, engineers, and support staff have experience in other fields including general planning, subdivision development, street and highway design and construction, natural gas systems, and solid waste landfills, the primary area of practice is what was known for years as “Sanitary Engineering.” The firm stresses design that are matched to the needs of the client, to allocated funding, and to available operating skills. System design emphasizes the development of facilities that are simple and economical to operate. The firm produces engineering and planning reports, utility rate studies, construction drawings and specifications, and operations and maintenance manuals. We provide construction inspection, construction management, and post-construction evaluation. We assist operating personnel in the day-to-day operation of water and wastewater systems and in handling emergency situations that occur from time to time in all systems. Our experience includes short- and long-term capital expenditure planning and development of special fee structures such as impact fees to aid in system financing. We also perform treatment plant evaluations to identify and correct operating problems and to improve efficiencies to meet discharge permits or to gain capacity with minimal expenditures.

     We have worked with virtually all funding agencies. Current work includes several projects funded in the State Revolving Fund Program, USDA Rural Development Administration and Community Development Block Grant Programs including preparation of grant applications. We are accustomed to the regulations involved in these projects and the time schedules.

     At Water Management Services, we are partners with clients, and their goals are our goals. That means project success is dependent upon providing facilities that exceed meet their expectations – on time and under budget.

     The firm emphasizes involvement of the most experienced people on each project. Long-term associations with clients have always been a goal. To reach this goal, we know we must provide good engineering services at a reasonable cost and that our clients’ best interests must always be served. We believe this is the essence of professional engineering service.

Areas of Practice …

  • PLANNING:    Water and Wastewater Systems; Feasibility Studies; Capital Expenditure Studies; Hydraulic Analyses; Stormwater Management; Sludge Management; Industrial Waste Systems; Wastewater Reuse.
  • ENGINEERING:   Comprehensive Performance Evaluations; Design Reports; Construction Drawings and Specifications; Project Administration; Construction Inspection; Value Engineering; Infiltration/Inflow Correction; Sludge Treatment and Disposal; Solid Waste Landfills; Composite Correction Programs; Combined Sewer Overflow Correction.
  • OPERATIONS:   Regulatory Consultation; Analysis of System Operating Problems; Start-up and Operational Assistance; Evaluation of Operating Costs; Utility Rate Studies; Impact Fee Systems; Utility System Maps; Wastewater and Stormwater Discharge Permits; Operations and Maintenance Manuals.

Project Workflow …

  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT:   All projects are managed by one of the Managers who serves as a Senior Project Manager. That Manager and the project’s designated Project Engineer will work directly with the client throughout the entire project. At various stages, other individuals are brought together to contribute in accordance with their experience and the client’s needs.


  • REPORTS:  Reports are usually written by or under the direct supervision of a Manager. This brings our most experienced people to work on the project in its most critical stage: selection of the most appropriate alternative from among many that may work. Emphasis is on economics in construction and operation and on simple and effective designs which recognize operator needs and limitations.


  • DESIGN:   Teams are put together for each project based on the particular type of project, the experience of our staff, and their availability within the project’s time frame. Coordination of the Design Team and the responsibility for the overall project rests with the assigned Project Engineer.


  • CONSTRUCTION:   When the project reaches the construction stage, direction of the field construction observation personnel and other construction-related functions are handled by one of our engineers who has developed special skills in working with contractors and property owners over many years.


  • SOLUTIONS:  Our engineers are experienced in the operation of facilities. During the report and design phases of the project, this experience is utilized in developing workable solutions tailored to the particular needs of the project. Simplicity and reliability are stressed for process design and equipment selection.


  • OPERATION TRAINING:  Our experience is once again utilized as the project nears completion when the emphasis is placed on operator training. It remains through the life of the project whenever operator assistance is needed.

Want to talk?


2 International Plaza, Ste. 401
Nashville, Tennessee. 37217
615-366-6088 – Main Number
615-366-6203 – Fax Number
Email Us:  cbures@wmsengineers.com